April 10, 2021


세안 한 듯 산뜻한 피부로 가꾸어주는 필링 토너. 제품 세부 정보: 1. 천연 성분으로 부드럽게 각질 제거 * 제주도에서 청보리를 발효시켜 얻은 천연 각질 트리트먼트 성분과 지용성 노폐물 처리에 효과적인 백 버들 나무 껍질 추출물로 각질과 과잉 피지를 미묘하게 각질 제거합니다. * 인체 각질 치료 효과 적용 시험 완료 2. 아침에 사용 가능한 저 자극 필링 15 가지 깨끗한 성분으로 깨끗하고 부드러운 각질 트리트먼트 (저 알레르기 테스트, 눈 자극 테스트 완료) 3. 피부가 물에 잠긴 듯 상쾌하고 깨끗한 피부 토너 피부가 답답함을 느끼는 이유는 피부가 각질층에서 건조하기 때문입니다! 저분자 히알루 론산이 함유 된 얇고 촉촉한 토너가 깊은 피부에 빠르고 탄탄한 수분을 공급합니다. 구성: 제주 풋보리 가파도에서 추출한 풋보리 식초는 각질 제거 능력이 뛰어난 천연 AHA 3 종을 함유하고 있습니다. 이니스프리 청보리 식초는 제주 전통 식초 발효 과정에 대한 심층 연구 과정을 통해 개발되었습니다. 이 과정을 통해 드디어 각질 제거 기능을하는 천연 기재를 발견했다. 이니스프리 녹색 바키 식초의 효능을 다양한 녹색 보리 껍질을 통해 더 밝고 매끄럽고 피부를 관리해보세요. 사용하는 방법 : 사용법 : 면봉을 충분히 적셔 피부 결을 따라 닦은 후 가볍게 두드려 흡수시켜줍니다. Peeling toner that leaves your skin feeling fresh as if it was freshly washed. Product Details: 1. exfoliate gently with natural ingredients * With natural keratin treatment ingredients obtained by fermenting young green barley on Jeju Island, and white willow bark extract which is effective for the treatment of fat-soluble waste, exfoliates dead skin cells and even excess sebum in a subtle manner. * Completion of application test of keratin treatment effect in humans 2. Hypoallergenic peels that can be used in the morning Clean and soft keratin treatment with 15 clean ingredients (Completion of hypoallergenic tests, eye irritation tests) 3. Toner that refreshes and cleanses the skin, as if the skin had been immersed in water If you feel skin tightness, the reason is that the skin is dry from the stratum corneum! A toner with a thin texture with hyaluronic acid with a small molecule provides quick and firm moisture to deep skin. Composition: Green barley vinegar, which comes from fermented green barley Gapado, Jeju, contains three types of natural AHAs which have extraordinary exfoliating abilities to remove dead skin cells. Innisfree green barley vinegar was developed through a process of in-depth research on the traditional Jeju vinegar fermentation process. Through this process, finally found a natural base material that functions as a removal of dead skin cells. Try and feel the benefits of innisfree green barkey vinegar through a range of green barley peels for brighter and smoother, cared for skin. How to use : Directions: Moisten sufficient amount of cotton swab and wipe along the skin texture, then pat lightly so it can be absorbed. Peeling toner yang membuat kulit Anda terasa segar seperti baru dicuci. Product Details : 1. kelupas secara lembut dengan bahan alami * Dengan bahan perawatan keratin alami yang diperoleh dengan cara memfermentasi jelai hijau yang muda di Pulau Jeju, dan ekstrak kulit pohon willow putih yang efektif untuk perawatan limbah yang larut oleh lemak mengelupaskan sel kulit mati bahkan sebum berlebih secara halus. * Penyelesaian tes aplikasi efek perawatan keratin pada manusia 2. Peeling hipoalergenik yang dapat digunakan pada pagi hari Perawatan keratin bersih dan lembut dengan 15 bahan bersih (Penyelesaian tes hipoalergenik, tes iritasi mata) 3. Toner yang menyegarkan dan membersihkan kulit, seolah-olah kulit direndamkan dalam air Jika Anda merasakan kekencangan kulit, alasannya kulit menjadi kering dari lapisan stratum corneum! Toner dengan tekstur encer dengan asam hialuronat dengan molekul kecil memberikan kelembapan dengan cepat dan padat sampai kulit dalam. Komposisi : Green barley vinegar yang berasal dari fermentasi green barley Gapado, Jeju memiliki kandungan tiga jenis AHA alami yang memiliki kemampuan eksfoliasi luar biasa untuk mengangkat sel kulit mati. Green barley vinegar innisfree dikembangkan melalui proses penelitian mendalam mengenai proses fermentasi cuka tradisional Jeju. Melalui proses ini, akhirnya ditemukanlah bahan dasar alami yang berfungsi sebagai pengangkat sel kulit mati. Coba dan rasakan manfaat green barkey vinegar innisfree melalui rangkaian green barley peeling untuk kulit yang lebih cerah dan halus terawat. Cara penggunaan : Petunjuk : Basahi kapas dengan jumlah yang cukup dan mengelap searah sepanjang tekstur kulit, lalu menepuk secara ringan agar dapat diserap.

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