April 05, 2021

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제주도 난의 강력한 생명력에서 영감을 받아 피부 탄력, 주름, 잡티, 결, 촉촉함을 동시에 케어하는 안티 에이징 토너입니다. 제품 소개 : 1. 피부를 촉촉하게 유지 해주는 제주 난초 토너 제주 녹두 추출물 히알루 론산이 함유 된 에센셜 토너로 세안 후에도 촉촉하고 탱탱한 피부를 유지 2. 너리 싱 텍스처 젤 타이트한 젤 티슈 기술은 성분이 피부에 흡수되도록 보장하고 피부를 더욱 매끄럽고 빛나게합니다. 사용하는 방법 : 세안 후 제품이 완전히 흡수 될 때까지 얼굴과 목 전체에 골고루 펴 바릅니다. Inspired by the powerful vitality of Jeju Island orchids, this anti-aging toner is formulated to treat skin elasticity, wrinkles, blemishes, texture, and moisture at the same time. Product introduction : 1. Jeju orchid toner to keep skin moisturised An essential toner with hyaluronic acid from Jeju green bean extract keeps skin moisturized and firm after washing the face 2. Nourishing texture gel The tight gel tissue technology ensures the absorption of the ingredients into the skin and leaves the skin smoother and more radiant How to use : After washing your face, apply the product evenly to the entire face and neck until the product absorbs completely. Terinspirasi oleh vitalitas yang kuat dari anggrek Pulau Jeju, toner anti penuaan ini diformulasikan untuk merawat daya elastisitas, keriput, noda, tekstur, dan kelembaban kulit secara bersamaan. Perkenalan Produk : 1. Jeju orchid toner untuk menjaga kulit tetap lembab Toner esensial dengan asam hyaluronic dari ekstrak kacang hijau Jeju menjaga kulit tetap lembab dan kencang setelah mencuci wajah 2. Gel tekstur yang bergizi Teknologi jaringan gel yang rapat untuk memastikan penyerapan bahan-bahan ke dalam kulit dan membuat kulit lebih halus dan bercahaya Cara penggunaan : Setelah mencuci wajah, aplikasikan produk secara merata ke seluruh wajah dan leher hingga produk menyerap sempurna.

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